IBAR – Bank

Led discovery & design of loan application process for online banking


ABB app is new mobile application of an International Bank in Azerbaijan, aiming to replace the legacy app that had weak foundations, poor user experience and bad reputation. Online loan application product aimed to provide simple and easy online application and borrowing process both available in native apps and as a web application. The product availability was limited to salary card customers.

Team & Objectives

As the Lead UX Specialist on the project, my responsibilities encompassed overseeing the research and design implementation process. The multidisciplinary scrum team included a product owner, back-end, front-end, iOS, Android, and web developers. During concept sprints, valuable insights were gained from the Experience Design Consultant of McKinsey & Company. The primary goal was to establish trust among customers by introducing the first local online loan application process and delivering a smooth and straightforward user experience.


1. Field Studies in Two Branches

  • Conducted in-depth field studies to observe communication levels and customer behavior.
  • Gained insights into customer profiles, pain points, needs, and the intricacies of loan products.
  • Developed a comprehensive process diagram detailing each step, time duration, required documents, and critical attention points.
Steps of traditional loan application process at IBAR (prepared after field studies)

2. Customer Survey on Personal Loans

  • Collaborated with Marketing and Customer Service departments for a targeted survey on personal loans.
  • Analyzed survey results to inform content emphasis and tone of voice for the application process.

3. Local and International Benchmarking

  • Conducted benchmarking to identify best practices for an optimal user experience.
  • Adopted a one-topic-per-screen approach, minimizing cognitive load and enhancing user understanding.
Screenshot from competitive benchmarking

4. Guerrilla Usability Testing Sessions

  • Conducted on-site usability testing in branches, gathering real-time feedback from customers in queue.
  • Iteratively tested designs, ensuring continuous improvement throughout the design process.
Snippets from Guerilla Testing

5. Facilitating Discovery and Empathy Workshops

  • Engaged participants from various departments to identify and address challenges.
  • Collaborated with Legal, Risk, and other departments to simplify the process and streamline workflows.
Photos from the workshops


Legal and Risk Challenges: Pioneering the first-ever online loan application process in Azerbaijan posed legal and risk-related hurdles, necessitating careful navigation.

User Adoption: Overcoming resistance from the older generation unfamiliar with online applications required a clear, reliable, and trustworthy design approach.

Stakeholder Alignment: Coordinating with numerous stakeholders from diverse departments presented a significant challenge, demanding effective communication and alignment efforts.

Time Constraints: With a limited window of 4 months due to my move to Ireland, there was a pressing need to be very practical with the design process, ensuring that the designs are ready for development and the handover documentation is ready for the incoming designer to support engineers with development.

Solution & Results

The successful implementation of IBA Mobile's online loan application not only addressed these challenges but also set a benchmark for innovation in the financial sector, establishing a user-centric and trustworthy digital experience for customers in Azerbaijan.

As a result of 4 month process, I:

  • Designed user-friendly loan application process
  • Tested the design of both platforms with the bank customers
  • Mapped out the potential areas of improvement for the product both with the current limited audience and the potential expansion of the audience

Mobile application (check all pages)

Web application