Ante Technologies

Increased conversion rate by up to 20% for PPC affiliate website

Checkout published article in UX Metrics and ROI report of Nielsen Norman Group (page 224-227)


Top 10 Online Casinoer is a Danish online iGaming comparison site owned by Ante Technologies, a global marketing company. The site's primary purpose is to quickly generate leads for the online casino sites listed.

Team & Goals

  • We initiated and led the project with a team of two—myself as a UX Designer and a Product Manager colleague. Throughout the project, we collaborated with the product and marketing teams as well.
  • I had previously identified various small usability problems in user recordings and discovered opportunities during a competitive analysis study, which helped generate new design solutions.
  • A significant portion of our traffic came from mobile devices; therefore, one of the goals was to approach the mobile version differently than the desktop.
  • The main goal was to help people make fast and meaningful decisions and to increase the clickthrough rate (CTR) of the website.


Behavioral analysis with session replays and heatmaps

  • Recording filter parameters: a minimum of 30 seconds session length, traffic from paid advertising, containing targeted class names
  • Discovered components or elements with rage clicks and dead clicks.
  • Noticed that a large percentage of users drop off their journey when reaching the long explanatory text on the homepage.
  • Determined the average fold for each page

Competitive analysis with PPC competitors

  • The competitive landscape of PPC affiliate websites is flexible, thus it requires frequent and continuous research.
  • Direct competitors: PPC websites using the same or similar keywords to ours in their ad campaigns. Detected them by connecting to Denmark through VPN.
  • Indirect competitors: Affiliate (SEO) products with a structure similar to ours
  • Discovered 1) new strategies to attract customers 2) tailored techniques for iGaming advertisement 3) engaging elements such as social proofs and bonus alerts

Hypotheses and A/B testing

  • Created a list of hypotheses based on our observations and assumptions
  • Used a prioritization matrix based on the feasibility of the different teams, and since we had low resources for this project
  • Split the traffic 50-50%, mainly, but for one specific experiment went with a 7:3 ratio because of the risk factor

Solutions & Results

In addition to addressing the low-hanging fruit by rectifying obvious pain points, we introduced new special offers, provided quick facts about each site, and accentuated the top partner offer. Furthermore, we enhanced the visual design of the mobile version, expanding the amount of content visible in the first screenful, particularly on mobile. The heightened information density enabled users to view more options in a single screenful and make comparisons.

For example:

H: If we add a "Quick Facts" extension to each partner for users interested in more information, we will achieve a higher click-out rate.

  • Split the traffic 50-50% and tested this feature for 2 weeks.
  • Traffic amounted to 330 visitors for the original and 315 visitors for the variation. The challenger version exhibited an 18.43% improvement in users reaching the goal.

These minor design changes resulted in significant metric improvements:

  • Clickthrough rate to online iGaming sites increased by 35% 🎉
  • Contributed to a 20 percentage point increase in the conversion rate (completion of registration and commencement of play at a gambling site)

❗Conversion rate does not solely depend on changes on our side but also on changes that partners might make to their landing pages. Therefore, we can only assume that we have contributed to the increase rather than caused it.


Move the slider to view before/after versions of the desktop and mobile screens.

